Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ronny G's blog post - Day One

So I am in Zambia, and I don’t normally write blogs.

I have been placed in a big house with a swimming pool.

I have a guard and a gardener, and apparently a house keeper but I have yet to meet her.
I keep on feeding the guard and the gardener, as I feel bad. Today was the first time the guard called me by Ron rather than Sir. I don’t like being called Sir, Ron is really fine.
I went for a walk today, everyone is so friendly.

Here is like a small Thailand, where people sell illegal merchandise.
The streets here are far more under developed.
While it is green and it buckets down due to the rainy season, the paths get so muddy. My new shorts got so dirty, I tried to wash them, but as I did not buy stain remover, there are still stains.

Two things amazed me: Whites do not walk, they only use taxis. I prefer to walk though. The second thing struck me on my way back home from a small shopping centre on the corner of Los Angeles and Haile Selassie. This one guy was riding his bike, he stopped. He asked me if I needed a guard or a gardener. I really wanted to say yes, but I couldn’t. CIDRZ is paying for my living and I really wish I could have given him a job. I feel like as a white, people see me as their superior. I feel like I am in apartide where there is a difference of white and black, and the way people should be treated. Just because the colour of my skin I am treated differently to many.

I hope to provide some of my dinner and daily food to the guard, gardener and house keeper, and hope that my team will agree.

I actually like this place. Food is similar to British food that is found in Australia, such as Milo and Wheat Bix. It amazes me how friendly people are.

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